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14 mai 2008 3 14 /05 /mai /2008 22:18

  I made this for a dinner reunion with my sis and frirends last weekend and it was ... delicious to look at and to eat of course ... and since it was in honor of my sis Biche and friends ...  I'll like to name it Tarte Biche :-)


20 Oreo cookies (scrape out cream = 40 halves)
1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted

1. Finely grind cookies in processor or blender. Add melted butter to the cookie crumbs and  blend until moist crumbs form.

2. Press crumb mixture onto bottom and up sides of 9-inch-diameter metal pie pan with a removeable bottom or use one of the disposable one, and cut the rim, bend it out like a flower to lift the pie out once ready to eat.

3. Refrigerate the crust for 30' or longer (can be done the night before)

Ganache Mousse
12 ounces semisweet chocolate or Valhrona noir amer 71% cocoa if you like it not too sweet- broken into small pieces
3 3/4 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar (optional)

1. Melt the chocolate pieces on top of a double boiler (bain marie) over M heat. Once it's melted, gradually pour in the whipping cream (leave it out of the fridge for 10' so it's not too cold)-
2. Continue to stir well so it's well blended in with the chocolate. Turn down the heat if the chocolate/cream start to bubble, don't want it to boil.
3. Once well blended, remove from the heat and refrigerate for 15'.
4. Then take it out and whip it up with an eletric hand mixer until it's a of a ganache texture (creamy but not soft almost like truffle)
5. Pour into pie shell and decorate with raspberries (2 pints) start from the outside in.
6. Refrigerate for 4 hours or so, take out 5' before serving.

YUM!! enjoy.

PS> sorry no collage of the making of the pie ... as I was too busy making all the other dish for the dinner party :-)
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