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11 juin 2008 3 11 /06 /juin /2008 15:23

This is what I did with the last harvest of oranges ... yumyum.

2 servings
- 1 cup of water
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1/2 cup of  orange juice (freshly squeezed, strained)
- 1 Tsp lemon juice (optional)
- 2 tsps of Grand Marnier
- Pine nuts for garnish (idea copied from Simple to Spectacular, by Jean-Georges Vongerichten & Mark Bittman' - they do look like real orange seeds don't they? and they taste fabulous too ! )

1. Slice a tiny bit off of the bottoms of the oranges so that they can sit straight (relatively speaking). Cut the oranges in half. With a grapefruit knife, scoop all the flesh out of each (pic 5). Freeze the orange shells.
2. With your hands or the back of a spoon press as much of the orange juice as you can out of the scooped out flesh and measure 1/2 cup..
3. In a small saucepan, bring the water and sugar to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves and let cool. Add the strained orange juice, stir, let cool completely (pic 3)
4. Add Grand Marnier. Stir well to combine and pour into ice cube trays and put in the freezer.
5. After an hour or so take out, use a fork to fluff the ice up. Fill the orange half, place the pine nuts in the center of the orange  and re-freeze
6. Remove from freezer a few minutes before serving.

Fill a cute ice cube tray with any left-over orange GM mix and freeze and you will have some orange GM popsicle bonbons.... trop bon aussi :)

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3 juin 2008 2 03 /06 /juin /2008 04:29

I decided to play with lemon again so here we have it .. the famous Herme' lemon cream. True to its fame it's fabulous !!!  In order to cut the calories (pfff ) I made a verrine instead of tartlet. I also tried Claudia Fleming's blueberry topping, another fabulous recipe.

The lemony ooh-so-smooth cream is ooooh-so-good with strawberry and blueberry-syrup-coated blueberries and some Valhorana dark chocolate chips. Just fabulous !!! :-)

Blueberry Topping
adapted from Claudia Fleming's The Last Course

2 cups blueberries
1 tablespoon sugar

- In a medium saucepan combine 1 cup of the blueberries with the sugar. Cook over low heat until all the berries have popped and the juices come out; Use the back of a spoon to squish the berries if needed.
- Strain the mixture into a bowl and discard the solids. Add the rest of the blueberries into this blueberry syrup and toss to coat the berries well. They will look and taste brilliant ! :-)

Herme' Lemon Cream
adapted from Pierre Hermé's Desserts

makes about 1 1/2 to 2 cups
1/2 cup sugar
zest from 2 lemons
2 eggs
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 2 1/2 lemons)
5 ounces butter, cut into 1 inch pieces, softened but not melting (pic 5)

- Zest the lemons. Combine with the sugar with your fingers. (pic 2,3)
- Create a bain marie by placing a saucepan of water over heat to simmer and placing a metal bowl unto the pan so its bottom does not touch the water. Combine the sugar and lemon zest together with your fingers and add to the metal bowl.
- Add the lemon sugar to the metal bowl with the eggs and lemon juice. Whisk and cook the mixture over the simmering water, whisking constantly,to prevent the eggs from cookinng until the cream reaches 180 degrees (pic 4)
- Once the cream is thickened - you should be able to make tracks in the mixture with your whisk - take the cream off the heat and strain it into the bowl of a food processor or blender. Let the cream rest for a bit until it cools to about 140 degrees. (If your zester is not very fine, you might want to strain the mixture)
- Add in the butter pieces a few at the time and combine on high speed. Once all of the butter has been added, let the mixture combine for 2-3 minutes longer to ensure the mixture is perfectly smooth. It is the addition of butter that changes this recipe from a simple lemon curd to a rich, satiny-smooth cream. (pic 6)
- Once the cream is finished pour it into a container and let it chill in the refrigerator for about half an hour before assembly.

Herme' Lemon Cream and Berries Verrine
Serves 3-4

- one recipe of blueberry topping above
- one recipe of Herme' lemon cream above
- 1/2 pint strawberries cut bite zize

- In a clear cup (I used a champagne glass) start with a layer of strawberries, follow with a big dollop of lemon cream and top it with the blueberry topping.  Chill and serve. 
- I made some heart chips with melted Valhrona dark chocolate, whilst they add a surprising crunchy-bittersweet-chocolaty twist the berries and lemon cream are just as gorgeous without. J'ai l'eau a la bouche en y re-pensant :-)

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18 mai 2008 7 18 /05 /mai /2008 03:18

What to do with a prolific Meyer Lemon tree let alone two :-)? We have been trying to think of things to make, people to give lemons to, etc... and yesterday I happened to come across a recipe from tartelette.blogspot.com so I decided to give a try it a try plus the icecream machine has been sitting idle for some time, so it's time to put it to work.

The recipe turns out great, the hardest (time-consuming) part was to make the givre' shell... the sorbet was a piece of ... sorbet "-) the machine did all the work.  We had quite a bit of fun and a lot of oops - R's mom and I - trying to not mutilate the lemons while scooping their guts out :-P

The sorbet was very refreshing and tasty and more like a gelato with the cream base...this is going to definitely be a repeat throughout the summer!

Citrons Givres adapted from Tartelette who was inspired by Pierre Herme':

Serves 4

4 lemons
150 ml (2/3 cup) lemon juice (some coming from hollowing out the lemons + extra if needed)
150 gr. (2/3 cup) sugar
150 ml (2/3 cup) whole milk (less fat makes it curddle - I used half and half :))
150 ml (2/3 cup) water
1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped crystallized ginger (your taste - I would use 1/4 cup in the syrup but when transferring to the ice cream maker remove most of it down to may be 1 Tbsp)

1. Slice a tiny bit off of the bottoms of the lemons so that they can sit straight (relatively speaking). Slice the top off and keep that "hat". (pic 2) With a grapefruit knife, scoop as much of the flesh out of each lemon (pic 3)  and set in a fine mesh strainer set over a bowl.
2. With your hands or the back of a spoon press as much of the lemon juice as you can and measure 150 ml. Add extra lemon juice if needed.
3. Cut the candied ginger in tiny bits. (pic 5)
4. In a saucepan over medium high heat, bring the water and sugar to a bol. Add the ginger (pic 6) and let cool completely.
5. Add the milk and the lemon juice, stir and process in your ice cream machine according to your manufacturer's directions. (pic 7-8)
If you do not have an ice cream machine: freeze until soft serve consistency and mix with an immersion blender or whisk in a stand mixer. Put back in the freezer and repeat the operation 2-3 times, leaving enough time in between whippings for the mixture to get frozen.
6. Once your ice cream is ready, fill the lemon cavities and keep frozen until ready to serve. (pic 9)

It was in the 90s F here today, so these little gems were a big hit :-)

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14 mai 2008 3 14 /05 /mai /2008 22:18

  I made this for a dinner reunion with my sis and frirends last weekend and it was ... delicious to look at and to eat of course ... and since it was in honor of my sis Biche and friends ...  I'll like to name it Tarte Biche :-)


20 Oreo cookies (scrape out cream = 40 halves)
1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted

1. Finely grind cookies in processor or blender. Add melted butter to the cookie crumbs and  blend until moist crumbs form.

2. Press crumb mixture onto bottom and up sides of 9-inch-diameter metal pie pan with a removeable bottom or use one of the disposable one, and cut the rim, bend it out like a flower to lift the pie out once ready to eat.

3. Refrigerate the crust for 30' or longer (can be done the night before)

Ganache Mousse
12 ounces semisweet chocolate or Valhrona noir amer 71% cocoa if you like it not too sweet- broken into small pieces
3 3/4 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar (optional)

1. Melt the chocolate pieces on top of a double boiler (bain marie) over M heat. Once it's melted, gradually pour in the whipping cream (leave it out of the fridge for 10' so it's not too cold)-
2. Continue to stir well so it's well blended in with the chocolate. Turn down the heat if the chocolate/cream start to bubble, don't want it to boil.
3. Once well blended, remove from the heat and refrigerate for 15'.
4. Then take it out and whip it up with an eletric hand mixer until it's a of a ganache texture (creamy but not soft almost like truffle)
5. Pour into pie shell and decorate with raspberries (2 pints) start from the outside in.
6. Refrigerate for 4 hours or so, take out 5' before serving.

YUM!! enjoy.

PS> sorry no collage of the making of the pie ... as I was too busy making all the other dish for the dinner party :-)
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14 mai 2008 3 14 /05 /mai /2008 21:40
A la facon de Back Yen... j'espere :) parce que la recette donne plein plein de clafoutis (a` suivre :)) et puis faute de vanille j'ai mis du Grand Marnier et je n'ai pas coupe' les poires en morceaux comme il faut ... c'est seulement au telephone avec Trang ce matin que j'ai appris les details que j'ai rate's. Et pourtant, pourtant ... c'etait delicieux !!! (Merci a Bach Yen et Trang... ddi mo^t. ddang` hoc. mo^t. xang` kho^n :) comme le diraient nos ancetres bien-aimes' :) et Hang Thuy pour les conversions des mesures metriques)

> 4 oeufs...... 4 eggs
> 80 g de sucre ...... 8 tablespoons (leveled)
> 1 sachet de vanille ....... 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ( I used 2 Tbsp of Grand Marnier instead :))
> 3 verres de lait ...... 2 cups whole milk
> 50g o 60g de farine de blé .......... 10 tablespoon multi-purpose flour (leveled)
> 5 cuillerées à soupe rases de farine de maizena ...... 5 tablespoon corn starch (leveled)
> 3 poires ...... 3 pears


1. Battre les oeufs avec du sucre , rajouter la farine de blé , la maizena, continuer à battre.....
Beat the eggs with the sugar, add the flour, cornstarch and continue for another minute or so. (pic 2-3)
2. Rajouter les autres ingrédients , bien les mélanger à la spatule .... Add the milk, vanilla and mix well with a spatula. (pic 4)
3. Verser la pâte dans un moule beurré , disposer les poires coupées et parsemer à la surface avec du beurre coupé en dés .... Pour the batter into a well-buttered pie dish half-way up, place the cut pears into the batter, pour some more batter on top of the pears and top with some cubed butter. (pic 5)
4. Mettre au four à 170°C environ 1/2H... cook in a pre-heated oven at 325 F for about 30 min, until golden. (pic 6-9)
5. Remove, sprinkle with some powder sugar if you wish. Eat warm.


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4 janvier 2007 4 04 /01 /janvier /2007 03:41

I wanted to make a Tiramisu Buche De Noel, but the buche fell apart... So Santa ended up sitting on top of the Tiramisu in a glass this year :) 

The Tiramisu recipe is here. Next time I think I'll skip the eggs and just use mascarpone, coffee, liqueur and some powder sugar to keep the cream stiffer hence able to hold the lady fingers logs together better for the Buche de Noel...

To fit the lady fingers in the glass just cut them to size at one end, then place them around the glass  in alternate concentric circles like flower petals. Starting with the outer most circle, place a lady finger at the noon, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 o'clock positions. For the second inner circle, place the lady fingers at the 3, 5, and 7 o'clock positions, and finally place one in the middle for the 3rd inner circle.  Spoon the mascarpone mixture into the glass and cover the top with shaved Valhorna chocolate.  Refrigerate for a few hours until ready to serve.

Joyeux Noel!
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4 janvier 2007 4 04 /01 /janvier /2007 03:41

I wanted to make a Tiramisu Buche De Noel, but the buche fell apart... So Santa ended up sitting on top of the Tiramisu in a glass this year :) 

The Tiramisu recipe is here. Next time I think I'll skip the eggs and just use mascarpone, coffee, liqueur and some powder sugar to keep the cream stiffer hence able to hold the lady fingers logs together better for the Buche de Noel...

Joyeux Noel!
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14 novembre 2006 2 14 /11 /novembre /2006 19:00
As the ice cream is pretty rich, I like to serve it in very small portions. Use a melon baller to make your ice cream scoops. 

For JP's dinner gala, I served it with Hagen Daaz Mango Sorbet and the combination was perfect.

- 1/3 plus 1/2 Cup of milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2 Cup heavy cream
- 1/3 Cup sugar
- 90g or 1 jar of black sesame paste (pic 5)


1) In a large heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until blended.until pale yellow color and roughly double in volume (pic2)
2) Heat milk over Medium heat until just boiling (pic3)
3) Gradually add the hot milk into the egg mixure, whisking constantly until fully incorporate (pic 4). Return the mixture to the same saucepan and place over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring slowly and continuously with a wooden spoon or spatula, until the custard thickens and a finger drawn across the back of the spoon leaves a path, about 5 minutes; do not allow the custard to boil (pic 6)
4) Mix in the black sesame paste and let it cool to room temperature. (pic8)
5) Transfer the custard to an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Transfer the ice cream to a chilled container, cover and freeze until firm, 3 to 4 hours. Makes about 2 cups

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14 novembre 2006 2 14 /11 /novembre /2006 18:50

I like to serve the tiramisu in individual fingers that way every one can decide how many fingers they want for the evening :)  as a 'pick me up' .  Did you know that Tiramisu means 'pick  me up' ?  :)

- 3 large eggs, separating whites and yolks
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup espresso or strong coffee
- 2 Tbsp. Rhum or Cognac or Brandy
- 8 oz. BelGioioso Mascarpone (pic 1)
- 1/8 cup freshly grated Valhorana dark chocolate or cocoa
- 20 ladyfingers - Savoyardi (pic 7) are best as they are drier and don't get too soggy.
Makes 10 Finger Tiramisu

1- Combine 3 egg yolks, 1 Tbsp. espresso, sugar and Rhum in large mixing bowl. (pic 2) Beat 2-3 minutes. If concerned about raw egg, place the bowl over a bain marie while beating the egg.
2- Add BelGioioso Mascarpone (3) and beat 3-5 minutes or until consistency is smooth (pic 4).
3- In another bowl, combine 3 egg whites and a pinch of sugar (pic 4). Beat until mixture forms stiff peaks. Gently fold into Mascarpone mixture (pic 5). Tip: Fold the 1/2 of egg white in first, and adjust accordingly. Lesser is better than too much egg white which causes the mixture to run :)
4- Pour rest of espresso into flat dish (pic 6), dip one side of each Ladyfinger (sugared side pic 7), and layer on bottom of dish. Keep the ladyfingers slightly separated if you want to serve them individually.
5- Spread 1/2 Mascarpone mixture and sprinkle with cocoa then continue with a second layer of ladyfingers and finish with a Mascarpone layer and chocolate sprinkle (pic 9,10).
6- Refrigerate at least 3-4 hour before serving, overnight is better.

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12 octobre 2006 4 12 /10 /octobre /2006 02:37

This is a variant of the  Mini Mango Stroopwafels.  Just replace the Grand Marnier with Rasberry Wine or Cassis Liqueur and use fresh strawberries instead of mangoes. See how high you can take your Napoleon! :-)


I also like to marinate the cut strawberries over night in the raspberry wine to add more flavour.
The rasberry wine aslo gives the mascarpone a light pink tint , it is so good and easy to make I think from now on, I 'll just use it instead of making creme anglaise for tart.

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